At the Triunfo Ball, 1966. L to R: John Tapking, Councilman; David Betts, former Mayor; Robert Talley, Councilman; Alex Fiore, Councilman. In the rear at the mike is Guy Runion, former owner and editor of the Conejo News.
Each year the Conejo Valley Historical Society names two outstanding volunteers from our community and bestows on them the titles of Don and Dona Triunfo . Tonight’s reception honors all past Dons and Donas and reveals the names of our two honorees for 2019.
Our Don and Dona Triunfo will be formally presented at the Conejo Valley Historical Society’s La Fiesta del Triunfo on September 14th, where they will preside over the festivities. They’ll each be receive a medallion from last year’s honorees.
The Society began awarding members of the community for their outstanding service in 1965, a year after the Society was formed. The first La Fiesta del Triunfo was a costume ball, attended by ladies adorned with lace mantillas and men dressed in Californio garb. The “Last Great Stagecoach Race” was held before the ball, and yes, indeed, it was a real stagecoach race. Oh, the good times!
Don Triunfo Dick Elliott at the Triunfo Ball, 1977