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Hiatus! Antiques Study Group-Get Involved!

The Antiques Study Group will be on hiatus for several months. We’re exploring new ways to structure meetings so our studies can be more in-depth, and we’re looking for your input and involvement as we brainstorm new ideas. Please contact LindaLisa Louis if you’d like to help us move the Antiques Study Group forward. (805) 492-8045, or

The Group has been meeting for over 20 years. Sample antiques on display and a lecture are followed by a show and tell, so members can share their own antiques and stories. Anyone interested in antiques is encouraged to attend. Refreshments are always served, and a $5 donation is appreciated, to cover speaker honorariums and the annual Holiday party!

Needle arts are under consideration for our next (to be announced) study (embroidery, stitchery, lace-making, knitting, crochet, tatting, etc.) and it may span several months so we can really dive deep into the subject.

Let us know your thoughts about what direction the Antiques Study Group should take in the future!
