Corning Museum of Glass; 1888-1894; pink enamel with gilt oak leaves and acorns
Our guest speaker, Linda Bagaason, will present decorated American glassware. Public is welcome.
The high point of American glassmaking was from the late 1880s to 1960. Competition for market share was fierce among both glass producers and glass decorators. Beauty and value was added to glassware by embellishing and decorating glass blanks.
Linda will explore and share examples of various artistic skills that were used, such as Painting, Cutting, Enameling, Etching, Silver Overlaying, Gold Encrusting, and Decal Transferring.
Probably most people have an example of at least one of these. If you can, bring a couple of your favorites for show and tell after the refreshment break.
To enter, park in the lot and walk down the stairs to the right of the Inn to Anderson Hall. To avoid the staircase, drive down Susan off of Lynn Road to enter via the kitchen door at the Anderson Hall level.